[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] Tunisia Expresses Interest in Studying Weather Modification Technology in Indonesia

May 21, 2024







 Tunisia Expresses Interest in Studying Weather Modification Technology in Indonesia

Indonesian Head of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Dwikorita Karnawati, stated that Weather Modification Technology (TMC) has a positive impact amidst the threat of climate change. This was conveyed by Dwikorita during a bilateral meeting with Tunisian Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources, and Fisheries, Abdelmonem Belaati

"With the high intensity of extreme weather, our country (Indonesia) has suffered a lot from disasters, which is why TMC is one of the mitigation approaches that can be taken in a crisis situation," said Dwikorita at the TMC Post at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, on Sunday, 19 May 2024.

Dwikorita explained that TMC can be utilized to mitigate disasters such as extreme weather caused by climate change. For example, Indonesia experienced extreme weather caused by the El Niño phenomenon in 2015, 2016, and 2019, where many areas suffered from drought and forest fires.

This incident, she said, caused Indonesia to bear significant losses and made people suffer. Therefore, based on BMKG's analysis during the 2023 El Niño, BMKG has learned a lot and is utilizing TMC as a mitigation action against disaster impacts.

Dwikorita explained that during El Niño, groundwater often decreases, making land very dry and sensitive to forest fires. Naturally, if there is friction between tree branches, fires can occur.

"Thus, TMC can be used to anticipate fires by seeding clouds in areas prone to forest and land fires. According to BMKG data, through the use of this technology, Indonesia is currently able to reduce incidences of forest fires by around 80-90 percent," she said.

Meanwhile, BMKG’s Acting Deputy for Weather Modification, Tri Handoko Seto, stated that BMKG conducted cloud seeding for five days to tackle hydrometeorological disasters like flash floods and cold lava flows in West Sumatra. BMKG sowed 15 tons of salt in the West Sumatra region to reduce the high intensity of rain and the potential for volcanic material brought by Mount Marapi eruptions. TMC was conducted to reduce rain's intensity on Mount Marapi's slopes and making it easier to search for missing victims.

Seto emphasized that TMC is crucial for saving lives, ensuring prosperity, and human welfare as it helps agricultural production in dry areas. Therefore, this effort must continue to be carried out collectively.

Meanwhile, Tunisian Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources, and Fisheries, Abdelmonem Belaati, praised BMKG's ability in implementing TMC. According to him, TMC is an excellent means to ensure human survival.

Abdelmonem said that Tunisia has experienced drought over the last five to seven years leading to decreasing water supply. Therefore, with this visit to Indonesia, Tunisia wants to find solutions on how to effectively implement TMC.

Currently, to address these issues, Tunisia is carrying out seawater desalination or a process of removing salt content from water so living beings can consume it. They are also considering ways of utilizing used and treated water.

"Another solution is how to modify the weather. How can we bring rain to a country? That is very important, and that is why we are here today, and hope can continue to work together," he concluded. (BMKG Public Relations Bureau/Elvira Inda Sari/TR/ug/MB)



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