[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] Indonesian Police and Military Prepare Three Security Rings for 10th World Water Forum

May 16, 2024







Indonesian Police and Military Prepare Three Security Rings for 10th World Water Forum

Security measures for the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali from 18—25 May 2024 are executed in an integrated fashion, utilizing the combined efforts of the Indonesian National Army (TNI), the Indonesian Police (Polri), and the Presidential Security Force (Paspampres)

Ring one security will be provided by the Presidential Security Force, ring two security will be executed by the Indonesian National Army, and ring three security will be executed by the Indonesian Police. This includes security for very important person (VIP) guests and activities beyond the primary forum. 

This was stated by the Head of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam), Commissioner General of Police Fadil Imran, in his capacity as Head of Puri Agung 2024 Operations, during a troop roll call on Wednesday, 15 May 2024, at Lapangan Niti Mandala Renon in Denpasar, Bali.

"This approach is usually implemented with our partner from the TNI. The TNI forms a task force, and we conduct Puri Agung Operation," he stated.

According to him, the TNI and Polri completed several activities prior to the troop roll call, including detailed personnel meetings, Tactical Floor Games (TFG), and pre-operation training. “Today, troops were deployed to check the readiness of personnel and equipment to secure the event," Fadil said.

The former chief of Police for the Metro Jaya region said the 10th World Water Forum is crucial due to the discussions surrounding global water issues and problems. He asserted that water, food, and energy are critical concerns that demand a unified global response.

"The National Police involves 5,791 personnel equipped with a command center and is expected to carry out their duties more optimally," he stated. 

He stated that field officers had been provided with the participant and state guest arrival schedule. Subsequently, an escort, route, patrol, and parking team (Walrolakir) will escort and accompany the participants from the airport to the points of registration and accommodation.

"The heads of state will arrive on the 18th. A team will be deployed to receive them, and National Police escort officers will accompany VVIP guests. Security measures are conducted in Ring Three, where a K9 unit, tourism police, vital objects police, and sabhara, who are responsible for ensuring comfort and security, will be present," he explained.

Furthermore, he urged all participants to foster a conducive environment throughout the World Water Forum and to be aware that situational regulation and traffic flow diversion will occur.

"We do not wish for this activity to cause any disruption to the tourism sector, which is vital to the economy of Bali. We wish to demonstrate that despite big events, community engagement is achieved without disruption," he explained.

Despite this, Fadil Imran hoped that the community would capitalize on the momentum of the approximately 17,000 guests' attendance, which would undoubtedly affect the Balinese economy.

"Hopefully, balancing the two between the growing economy and water issues can bring prosperity to all of us," he said.

On the same occasion, the Commander of the Joint Regional Defense Command II TNI Vice Marshal Muhammad Khairil Lubis stated that the World Water Forum has been ongoing for several years, and Indonesia is this year's host nation. Therefore, Indonesia has to perform at the highest level.

The security system implemented by the TNI and Polri, which has already been divided, and the Weapon System Main Tools deployed, can work safely and smoothly while we continue to anticipate even the slightest disturbance," he stated.

The presence of several heads of state will expedite the process of reaching a consensus on addressing water issues for the welfare of the global community as a whole. (Humas Polri/TR/Elvira Inda Sari/SC/PR)



For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – Usman Kansong  (0816785320).

PCO of the 10th World Water Forum - Dede Ariwibowo (08111830020)

Get more information at https://infopublik.id/kategori/world-water-forum and https://s.id/worldwaterforumpedia
