[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] Nusantara Cuisine at 10th World Water Forum State Banquet

May 19, 2024






Nusantara Cuisine at 10th World Water Forum State Banquet

Indonesia hosted a welcoming dinner for leaders and delegates of the 10th World Water Forum at Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park, Bali, on Sunday (19 May). The rich cultural heritage of Indonesia was prominently showcased through the traditional attire worn by heads of state and guests, performances of music and dance, and the dinner menu.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo and the heads of state wore shirts made from Sintang ikat-woven fabric from West Kalimantan. At the same time, the ministerial-level guests wore shirts made from Endek woven fabric, typical of Bali.

The soothing sound of the Sape guitar, characteristic of the Dayak tribe from East Kalimantan, marked the beginning of the dinner. Artist Yuan Prawida, dressed in traditional woven attire and a headdress from the Kalimantan region, accompanied the dinner with instrumental versions of Indonesian and international pop songs.

At the dinner of the world's largest water forum, appetizers, soups, main courses, and desserts from various regions of Indonesia were served. These dishes were from Aceh, Kudus, Lombok, Palu, Manado, and Bali.

The menu included pan-seared scallops, Soto Kudus (chicken broth flavored with herbs and spices with beansprout and "perkedel kentang” or potato fritter), Garang Asem (Alaskan codfish, braised chayote, oyter mushroom in Balinese basa genap pickled shallot radish and served with Nasi Kuning or yellow rice , Belacan (shrimp paste) beef tenderloin steak, Pepes kembang tahu (grilled or steamed tofu mixed with spices wrapped in banana leaves), Binte (originated from Palu, Central Sulawesi, made from sweet corn and sweet potato in vegetable broth), Buntil daun pepaya (rolled steamed papaya leaves stuffed with a savory mixture of grated coconut, spices, and eye bird chili braised in turmeric coconut cream, served with konbu vegetable demiglace, taro puree and rice crackers), Klappertaart (coconut tart), and fresh tropical fruits.

Guests could choose dishes from three menus, namely regular, no beef, and vegetarian menus.

Cultural performances themed “Water for Shared Prosperity,” emphasizing the significance of water, entertained the guests while they enjoyed dinner.

Water was symbolized as change, tranquility, power, and the source of life. These symbols were depicted through narration, contemporary, modern, and colossal acrobatic traditional dance configurations, combined with visuals on cliffs and floors.

Since Bali is the host for the event, the opening act was a traditional Bali dance. The Sumbawa dance, originated from West Nusa Tenggara, and the Malay dance further enriched the Nusantara atmosphere.

Water is a symbol of change and transformation. It is a small object that initiates the chain of life. In Bali, where the 10th World Water Forum was held from 18 to 25 May, water is not only a source of physical life but also has deep spiritual and cultural significance.

President Joko Widodo greeted the guests before the dinner and art performances started. “Thank you for your participation. I hope that the spirit of this evening can bring us to work together to share access to clean water and sanitation for everyone,” said Joko Widodo. (Elvira Inda Sari/TR/WW/PR)


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

PCO of the 10th World Water Forum – Dede Ariwibowo – (08111830020)

For other news and information, please visit https://infopublik.id/kategori/world-water-forum and https://s.id/worldwaterforumpedia.
