[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] Thousands of 10th World Water Forum Delegates to Participate in Segara Kerthi Ceremony

May 18, 2024







Thousands of 10th World Water Forum Delegates to Participate in Segara Kerthi Ceremony

More than 2,000 delegates and participants of the 10th World Water Forum and Balinese Hindus will take part in the Segara Kerthi ceremony at the Bali Turtle Island Development (BTID) Beach area, Denpasar, on Saturday, 18 May afternoon. They will also release 1,000 hatchlings, 1,000 birds, and 5 turtles to nature.

The Segara Kerthi ceremony is a form of gratitude and harmony between humans and nature through water and water source purification. It is a part of the Bali Nice event which carries the theme "Caring for Water, Protecting Sarwa Prani" meaning caring for water and caring for the universe, including flora and fauna.

The ceremony is held as an appeal for blessing so that the sea is clean sekala and niskala (the balance of life concept) and for the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, held from 18 to 25 May to run smoothly and successfully.

Young dancers will welcome the VVIP delegates. Dozens of high school students will carry flags accompanied by baleganjur (Balinese traditional ensemble) at several points on the route.

Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Public Works and Housing and Chair of the Organizing National Committee of the 10th World Water Forum, appreciated the Bali Provincial Government for allowing participants to join the ritual.

"This (ritual) is not just a show for visitors (of Bali Island), but a real ceremony of how we purify the water, by local wisdom in Bali," said Minister Basuki at the Bali Turtle Island Development (BTID) Beach area on Friday, 17 May.

The Segara Kerthi ceremony coincides with the Tumpek Uye or Tumpek Kandang celebration, which is celebrated every 210 days (Saturday Kliwon Wuku Uye) according to the Balinese calendar cycle.

The Tumpek Kandang is a celebration of worship of the greatness of Ida Sang Hyang Widi (God Almighty) in his embodiment as Siva or Pasupati, the preserver of all creatures in the universe, including animals. (Ayu Sulistyowati/TR/Elvira Inda Sari/Flo)


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

PCO of the 10th World Water Forum – Dede Ariwibowo – (08111830020)

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