[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] 10th World Water Forum Regional Process: a Milestone in Collaborative Regional Water Management

May 21, 2024







10th World Water Forum Regional Process: a Milestone in Collaborative Regional Water Management

The World Water Council (WWC) President Loïc Fauchon opened the 10th World Water Forum Regional Process Session on Tuesday, 21 May, at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC). The session specifically discussed regionally sustainable and collaborative water management practices in countries across Asia Pacific, America, the Mediterranean, and Africa.

“The regional process is critical in this forum. The regional process marks a significant milestone in the overall discussion on water this week,” Loïc stated.

This session is crucial since the outcomes represent at least 80% of the global population.

According to Fauchon, all regional process sessions should be utilized to the fullest extent possible to foster collaboration and identify the best solutions for addressing water challenges in each region and among interconnected areas.

"The spirit of collaboration not only provides a solid foundation for a sustainable (water management) future, it also plays a crucial role in each region's success. In the next two days, after going through the process that has been running thus far, I hope we achieve the best results," he expressed.

He stated that the regional process will increase knowledge directly from the field and facilitate the exchange of experiences between regions, allowing successful initiatives from one area to be replicated in others.

Meanwhile, Firdaus Ali, Senior Advisor to the Indonesian Minister of Public Works and Public Housing for Water Resources and Chair of Division VI of the National Organizing Committee of the 10th World Water Forum, stated that the regional process was designed to promote strategies that are adapted to regional conditions and local knowledge.

“By bringing together experts, policymakers, community leaders, and stakeholders from all sectors, we aim to create a powerful platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and action to address water issues,” he stated.

Discussions and activities in the regional process will determine results that can be followed up and utilized in each region or between regions. By focusing on regional priorities and cultivating a collaborative attitude, all stakeholders can take essential steps to address water issues comprehensively and sustainably.

"Together, we have the power to transform challenges into possibilities, ensuring that future generations inherit a world where water is managed wisely and fairly. Thank you for your dedication and participation. Let us work together to make this initiative a success," Firdaus stated. (Ni Komang Erviani/Ayu Sulistyowati/Firda Puri/TR/Elvira Inda Sari/SC/Flo)



For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

PCO of the 10th World Water Forum - Dede Ariwibowo (08111830020)

Get more information at https://infopublik.id/kategori/world-water-forum and https://s.id/worldwaterforumpedia
