[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] World Water Council President Calls on Everyone to Become “Water Warriors”

May 20, 2024







World Water Council President Calls on Everyone to Become “Water Warriors”

Loïc Fauchon, president of the World Water Council (WWC), lauded Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo for demonstrating his commitment to elevate water concerns, particularly the universal right to water during the 10th World Water Forum.

Loïc Fauchon stated this during the opening ceremony of World Water Forum's 10th High Level-Meeting (HLM) at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) on Monday, 20 May 2024.

“Yourself, President Joko Widodo, accepted my request, during the G20, to be the Water Messenger, and I thank you once again,” he remarked.

In front of the delegates, Loïc Fauchon expressed hope that President Joko Widodo's actions may be replicated by all countries. He stated that simply being a good messenger is not enough; everyone must do more if they want to pass down and protect water for peace and prosperity.

“Messengers, yes of course, but also fighters and above all warriors. Be water warriors together. I want to call for the obligation to take care of nature and provide water for each other,” he stated.

WWC is promoting the following issues: first, promoting water supply security policies at all levels of responsibility worldwide; second, a commitment to changing behaviour and habits to achieve water sobriety; and third, prioritizing the design and implementation of nature-based solutions for basins (DAS).

Fourth, urging all nations to write the right to water into their national constitutions, Laws and local regulations. "To propose that, step by step, the right to access to water becomes enforceable to all," Fauchon said.

Fifth, WWC invites all nations to participate in the "Money for Water" Coalition, which will be introduced during the upcoming United Nations conference, which includes sub-sovereignty and water debt cancellation for the world's poorest countries.

“We, World Water Warriors want to ensure that a high proportion of the various climate funds is naturally devoted to water, not forgetting wastewater," Fauchon stated.

Sixth, WWC wants to call for international action to ensure more active, decentralized governance based on multilateral cooperation. World Water Forum is an essential platform to strengthen the rules of mediation for rivers, lakes and basins.

“I'd like to say to the people in this room and elsewhere in the world: we need you; we want new ideas to write the future of water. Be the first World Water Warriors, get involved, and especially you, the youngest, take the hand we are holding out to you,” Fauchon closed his remarks.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia opened the 10th World Water Forum High-Level Meeting on Monday morning, 20 May 2024, at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) in Bali.

In his remarks, President Jokowi underlined that the world's largest water forum must serve as a momentum for countries to revitalize meaningful action and united commitment by sharing information, fostering innovative solutions, and accomplishing integrated water resource management. (Kemlu/TR/Elvira Inda Sari/SC/PR)



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