[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] 10th World Water Forum Parliamentary Meeting Initiates Parliamentary Caucus to Solve Water Issues

May 22, 2024







10th World Water Forum Parliamentary Meeting Initiates Parliamentary Caucus to Solve Water Issues

To make water and sanitation issues a national political agenda, stakeholders must collaborate at the local, regional, and international levels. At the parliamentary level, a caucus can serve as a forum to expedite the resolution of water issues, including access to clean water.

Putu Supadma Rudana, Vice Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives’ Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, made the statement at the Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of the 10th World Water Forum at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center on Monday, 20 May. “We mobilize all parliaments. The caucus has the same objective: to mobilize all members of the parliament to oversee water issues,” he said.

During the Parliamentary Meeting’s plenary session under the theme "Water Diplomacy, Cooperation, and Science for Peace", Putu was featured as a speaker alongside UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Executive Secretary Armida Alisjahbana, Club de Madrid President Danilo Türk, Australasia-Pacific Hydrogeologists Association Vice President Sarah Bourke, and Côte d'Ivoire National Assembly Member Euphrasie Liliane-Chantal Yaméogo.

According to Putu, the parliamentary caucus can be implemented in participating states of the 10th World Water Forum. In Indonesia, Putu initiated the symbolic establishment of the Water Caucus at the Nusantara III Building in Senayan, Jakarta.

Putu, who is also a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Committee Bureau, will push for the establishment of the caucus among IPU members from 190 countries. “The parliamentary caucus can accelerate the global water agendas,” he said.

The Parliamentary Meeting on Mobilizing Parliamentary Action on Water for Shared Prosperity is part of the 10th World Water Forum’s political session. The forum, held in Nusa Dua, Bali from 18 to 25 May, carries the theme ‘Water for Shared Prosperity’. (Yandi/Senja/Elvira Inda Sari/DH/Flow)


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

PCO of the 10th World Water Forum - Dede Ariwibowo (08111830020).

Get more information at https://infopublik.id/kategori/world-water-forum and https://s.id/worldwaterforumpedia.
