[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] Indonesia, Suriname to Collaborate on Coastal Protection and Mangrove Rehabilitation

May 22, 2024







Indonesia, Suriname to Collaborate on Coastal Protection and Mangrove Rehabilitation

The 10th World Water Forum in Bali marked an important milestone in the bilateral relations between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Suriname. Previously, on 25 January 2024, the two countries had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in Coastal Environmental Protection and Mangrove Rehabilitation.

The MoU was signed by Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia, and Marciano Dasai, Minister of Spatial Planning and Environment of the Republic of Suriname.

Initially, Suriname’s Minister of Spatial Planning and Environment made a written proposal of a collaboration to his Indonesian counterpart for knowledge exchange and technical assistance in green coastal protection and mangrove rehabilitation. 

Suriname expressed great interest in the sediment capture unit project successfully implemented in Demak, Central Java. The collaboration proposal was then formalized through an MoU which was signed on Tuesday (21/5).

The purpose of this collaboration is to enhance and support initiatives aimed at preserving the coastal environment and restoring mangroves. This will be achieved by maximizing the ecological, social, and economic advantages of mangrove ecosystems for both countries, thus contributing to the mitigation of the adverse effects of global climate change.

The MoU encompasses the following areas of cooperation: 1) Mutually agreed aspects of climate change; 2) Mangrove rehabilitation through an ecosystem-based approach and nature-based solutions, including techniques of sediment capture unit, maintenance, and data monitoring; 3) Coastal environmental management; and 4) Other areas of cooperation mutually agreed upon by both parties.

In the MoU, the parties also have agreed to collaborate through various means, including exchanging expert/personnel visits, sharing knowledge, experience, and best practices, providing technical assistance, and enhancing capacity. Additionally, the agreement allows for other forms of cooperation as mutually decided by both parties.

The bilateral relations between Indonesia and Suriname have been ongoing since August 1951, when Suriname was still under Dutch rule. At that time, a representative office at the Commissariat level was established in Paramaribo. This new collaboration aims to significantly strengthen bilateral relations and deliver concrete benefits for environmental protection and ecosystem rehabilitation in both countries. (TR/Elvira Inda Sari/MZ/PR)



For further information, please contact the contact below. 

Director General of Information and Public Communication, Ministry of Communication and Information – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

PCO the 10th World Water Forum - Dede Ariwibowo (08111830020).

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