[10TH WORLD WATER FORUM PRESS RELEASE] Indonesia Guarantees 10th World Water Forum Secure from Nuclear Threats

May 18, 2024







Indonesia Guarantees 10th World Water Forum Secure from Nuclear Threats

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is highly committed in ensuring security at the 10th World Water Forum, slated to be held on 18—25 May 2024 in Bali. The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BAPETEN RI) guarantees the smooth and safe organization of the event from radioactive and nuclear threats.

Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DK2N) of BAPETEN Zulkarnain, on Saturday (18 May) in Jakarta, said that his agency has been actively involved in dealing with potential crimes involving radioactivity and nuclear. This is in line with BAPETEN's duties and functions in ensuring the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

In implementing the security arrangement, BAPETEN is coordinating with the Presidential Security Detail (Paspampres) as security coordinator at the 10th World Water Forum.

"BAPETEN is taking part in securing the 2024 World Water Forum as a Major Public Event (MPE) to ensure there are no instances of misuse of radioactive substances for terror purposes to disrupt the event," said Zulkarnain.

He revealed that during the organization of the 10th World Water Forum, BAPETEN is tasked with carrying out initial mapping (baseline) of environmental radioactivity and detection (monitoring and sterilization) around the venues of the activities with assistance from the Presidential Security Detail.

BAPETEN also acts as a Mobile Expert Support Team (MEST) which will assist with response actions when nuclear security threats or incidents occur prior to or during the 10th World Water Forum activities.

The security arrangements began implementation from 16 May, by mapping background radiation levels at several 10th World Water Forum venues and several other locations that are considered vital, including =Bali International Convention Center (BICC) as the venue for the forum’s agenda and Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali as the venue for the Gala dinner agenda. Similar mapping was also carried out in the airport area and Nusa Dua area.

"The mapping is aimed to obtain data regarding environmental radioactivity values under normal conditions so that in the event of any increase in radioactivity values that exceeds the set limits and has the potential to disrupt the flow of the World Water Forum 2024, appropriate response steps can be immediately taken," said Zulkarnain.

The 10th World Water Forum is an MPE which is of international standard and has a high political value. Thus, the event has major security threat, including the abuse of radioactivity or nuclear weapons for terror.

"As we know, security threats using radioactive substances have become a real threat in the world, including in Indonesia. Therefore, BAPETEN is here to prevent the abuse of radioactive substances for non-peaceful purposes, in line with BAPETEN's main tasks and functions as mandated in the Nuclear Energy Law and to show our commitment to the world that Indonesia plays an active role in creating world peace and security," said Zulkarnain.

Meanwhile, BAPETEN's Engineering Function Group Coordinator, Wita Kustiana, said that BAPETEN had assigned ten personnel equipped with various detection equipment to secure the organization of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali.

"BAPETEN assigned ten personnel to secure the 2024 World Water Forum equipped with detection and response equipment including backpack spectrometer (spectrometer AT6101C), radiation survey meter (RadEye PRD), contamination survey meter (RadEye B-20), nuclide identification tool (identifier), PPE and personal dosimeters," said Wita Kustiana.

The World Water Forum is the largest water sector forum in the world, which is motivated by the increasingly pressing issue of water resources and the increasing difficulty of access to quality and sustainable water availability. (Fajri InfoPublik/TR/Elvira Inda Sari/WS/PR)


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320)

PCO of the 10th World Water Forum - Dede Ariwibowo (08111830020)

Get more information at https://infopublik.id/kategori/world-water-forum and https://s.id/worldwaterforumpedia
